Ever wondered that whether we live a life or a resume? Once a university professor asked his students holding a note that who wants it. All the students raised up their hands. Then, he folded the note multiple times and asked the same question. Now also everyone raised their hands. Then, he crumpled the note and screwed it with his shoes. Now the note was full of dirt but still everyone wanted it.And this was because that note still holds its value. Same goes with human beings. No matter how much life will crumple ,scrunch or squeeze you , you always keep your value. Rather than making a resume, try to live a worthy life. Our worth is not created by the price of our clothes, our bank balance or our job tittle. Make sure you are building a life not CVs. In middle of 2009, he was the person whom no body wanted to hire. He had 12 years of experience in yahoo but was rejected by facebook and then by twitter. He had a great CV. Yet, he decided with one ...