None of us is immune to pain...
Pain is one of the most unwelcoming feeling in humans , but it always had a purpose for coming in our life. Even the time stands prove to it as it had been one of the greatest teacher for all of us. As much as a bad experience hurts and breaks you down , it also toughen you and gives strength to you to fight. It is the most unavoidable lesson of one's life. And important because we could never appreciate good, if we haven't experienced bad. None of us is immune to pain ;which comes in the form of disappointments, breakups and failures. But if we calmly think about it, we will realize that it made us more determined and strong enough to deal with anything. Just remember, that iron is molded and beaten thousand times to be shaped in amazing and strong ships that sails in every corner of the world collecting a big treasure of memories and happiness. So, never fear pain, as in the ...