We all heard of the quote " When life gives you lemons , make lemonade." But my question today is, IS IT THAT EASY TO MAKE A LEMONADE? NO, definitely not. But we can try because it's not impossible too. To be honest killing your own self isn't that easy. Just imagine your pain has crossed every limit that even you stops feeling pain anymore. The only things you can see is dying. Nobody will tell you that emptiness weighs the most. Mental health isn't a joke. Every year 8,00,000 people dies because of it. A 'number' of deaths we always ignored. Before covid 19, we had diseases which were killing all of us but we didn't cared about it. We only cares about earning good, looking good and being successful. But the most important thing was to be mentally happy. Most importantly i wanted to say that depression is not always what you imagine it to be. It comes in so many unseen ways that you can't even imagine. Let me tell you about mine. When i had...